Reinsman Micro Suede “Tacky Too” Trail Pad
This saddle pad has a patented "Tacky Too" bottom that is non-slip, anti-bacterial and shock-absorbing. It is also made with Micro Suede fabric with a 1" felt liner and leather wear leathers. The saddle pad looks great and comes in a rainbow of colors.
Weatherbeeta Joules Neck Lite Rug
I have never seen a horse blanket before that made me say to myself, "I want that blanket!" until seeing this Neck Lite Weatherbeeta Rug by Joules. I freakin love the pattern and colors!
Full disclosure, I hate Ed Hardy. So shockingly I hate this tack. If you want your horse to look like a jerk who spends too much money on ridiculous apparel, this is the tack for you. Let me think of all the different adjectives that I can use to describe Ed Hardy brand apparel... trashy, tacky, cheesy, useless, vile, loathsome...
Western Legend Saddle Pads by White Eagle
I love the look of these saddlepads. Judging by the photos they look well made, and very squishy. The styling is very unique. Looks aside though, this saddle pad has a Patented (really, they have a US Patent) system to keep the saddle from shifting. The saddle pad locks your saddle in place. I hate it when my saddle shifts around so I did some research to see what actual users of this product had to say.
Y Knot Trimmed Sport Rein
I've been looking for a pair of clip-on reins that are thicker then the nylon clip-on reins I already have and shorter then my leather split reins. I came across these custom made Sport Reins and they seem to be exactly what I want.
This cooler is very attractive and sophisticated. There are three color combos of this thick striped fabric. If I actually needed a product like this (my horse is untrustworthy when it comes to blankets and the like) I would buy this in a heartbeat.
It's hard to find cute patterned halters. I stumbled across Red Haute Horse's website and they have a ton of really colorful halters with contemporary patterns. They have Paisleys, Argyles and Houndstooth halters just to name a few.
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